Thursday, February 11, 2010

Please sir, I want some ... more?

After being snowed in with about 30 inches of snow, we dug out our cars and were enjoying the fact that schools were canceled and Clay didn't have to work.  It seemed like life was getting back to normal.  However, on Tuesday, we had blizzard conditions and it snowed about 15 more inches.  This time, it was windy and we weren't able to play in it until today.  Here are some pictures of MORE snow.

This is our deck on Wednesday night after a day of snow and wind.
On Thursday (today) we shoveled the snow off of our deck and found this guy under all that snow.
  He didn't help much.
These were causing water to leak in between our sliding door, so we had to knock them down.
Here are some more outside our front door.  "Those icicles have been known to kill people."
Here is a picture of our neighborhood and the neighbors digging their cars out AGAIN!  To the left of the tree, you can just barely see the opening to the igloo that we started.  The second storm filled it in a little.
Clay is such a hard worker.  He cleared the snow in front of our house, our car, our deck, the neighbor's cars, a path to the garbage can, and a fire hydrant.  Dallan and I helped, but I think he did twice as much as we did.
We are crossing our fingers and hoping that the roof will not cave in with the weight of the snow.
Here is our sweetie keeping warm.
Clay and Dallan also had fun jumping off the top of our deck and landing in the snow below.  In some areas out back (because of the wind and the snow drifts) the snow went up to my chest, so it was a soft landing and pretty safe.  I didn't jump because I wasn't as brave.


Shelly Benson said...

Crazy and fun! You guys are such nice neighbors. The snowman is almost as cute as Ryan. I don't blame you for not jumping - who knows what could be under that snow?

KolbyJanine said...

yellow snow could have been under that snow. ha that looks awesome. kudos to you guys that you are such nice neighbors and all that hard work. oh and we dated for 3.5 years before we dating this time around.

keithnjeni said...

Nice title! Those icicles look so pretty, and yet so deadly. Are you getting cabin fever yet? Awesome snowman! And the igloo sounds like so much fun.

PS - It is 65 degrees here today.

Love ya!

Christen said...

I can't believe you guys got so much more snow! I would love to play in it for a day or two, but I absolutely hate being cold for too long so I would probably die haha.

Jeni's comment is funny, I felt hot here today with a jacket on!

ned0409 said...

i couldnt agree more with jeni, pretty but creeeepy..

i dont envy you; i'm not even snowed in and i have cabin fever! haha..

these are awesome pic though! thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

That has got to be the coolest looking snowman I have ever seen! But these pics are making me want to live somewhere cold and snowy less and less! I'll keep my NV sunshine! :)

Ashley said...

Wow! So much snow! It's so pretty, especially the deadly icicles!