Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Yesterday morning I heard the garbage truck and suddenly realized that my garbage can was still on our deck. So I ran down stairs and ran outside. After stepping onto my deck my body gave out. There was a thin layer of ice over everything since it had rained the night before. I fell on my knee. Since it was so early and just outside my back door, no one saw. I got up and hurried to take my trash can down and I was careful not to fall again. As I walked in the house, I knew that I didn’t make it on time, but I wasn’t going to go back and get it. SO I fell in vain. I twisted my knee and have some weird little cuts on my foot and arms. I feel bruises in weird places, but my knee is killing me. I think I will be limping for a few days. Even though I am in pain, I suppose I can laugh about it. The funny part is the way that I fell. I slipped in such a weird way that my body thrashed around which probably explains the little cuts. I landed in such a goofy way that I was reminded of the weird body positions that Jim Carrey can do when he falls in his movies. I can picture my shaggy bed head hair flying in my face and I can vaguely remember that I let out an awkward yell. Again-thank heavens that no one saw because if my description made you laugh even a little bit, you could imagine how hilarious it would have been to see it. I still have a little bit of dignity left knowing that my description is the only account of this incident. Well, that and the pain in my knee. Oh and did I mention that I was wearing jeans under a mu mu style pajama top? Laugh it up!


Jen said...

Allison, Thank you so much I just needed a little laugh today. I hope you are okay though. I am so glad that you can laugh at life, that is something I am trying to do.

Audra Findlay said...

Maybe you should have your knee checked by a doctor... but tell him that you were in a Karate competition and he should see the other guy!!
Take it easy...I would have loved to see something like that however, maybe you could set up a video camera and catch the next one??
Sorry, just kidding. Glad you are ok.

becbloggin said...

ooo sorry ally! stinks to get hurt...but i hate slips that people see even more. sad i know! i did get a good visual from your description and a chuckle :) i am working on the whole "laughing instead of crying or yelling" thing too-so i appreciate your post :)

Robin said...

I hate it when I slip and fall...but I love to see other people slip! lol. Glad you're not too hurt!

Jessica Hughes said...

That is freakin' hilarious, you clumsy ox! Just kidding! I'm with Audra, stick to the karate competition story, it makes you sound way more tough! hahaha!

ps I started a blog yesterday! YAHOO! its

Shelly Benson said...

Poor, Al. Good for you for being able to laugh about it... makes me think of Elder Wirthlin's Conference Talk. You should call me next time you take a trip, we could go together.

I'm a dork.

Michelle Campbell said...

Tooo funny. I have to admit I was giggling reading that. Especially when you said you had jeans on under your moomoo... haha. I really do hope your ok though and that your knee starts feeling better. Thanks for the noontime laugh. haha.

Jonathan and Mandi Crandell said...

Ouch! I hope your knee feels better soon.

Anonymous said...

I think that the most embarrassing accident I ever had was when I was walking in my garden and stepped on a rake-just like in the cartoons and it hit me smack in the face! It hurt so bad and I felt so silly! Luckily, several people were there to observe(and laugh!)! Hope your knee feels better soon!