Thursday, August 14, 2008

Six flags was so fun!

It was family fun day for Clay's department and they provided a yummy lunch!

This was the last picture taken before Jaron left. We had a great time with him. Dallan is hoping to visit Henderson if we can not visit as a family. I really hope we will be visiting at the end of the year!
On a side note-Clay is done with school for a couple of weeks. Yahoo!


Amanda Cook said...

Lucky kids. We miss you guys so much. Michelle said Jaron had a great time, but now it's back to school. Have Fun!

Jenn said...

Of course it's ok that you checked out my blog. That's what it is there for. So family and friends can keep tabs on us. I can't believe how old Dallan is! When did he grow up? He shouldn't be that old. I still remember when him and Jaron were moving up from Sunbeams and they thought that they got to go back to Nursery. It was too cute. We have 2 kids now and #3 is on her way. Amelia turned 4 in March and Nathan will be 2 in November. Lily Mei is expected the very end of December. How about you? It looked like you had 3 kiddos now. Did I get the count right?

Ashley said...

That was so fun to look at the pictures from Jaron's trip! I bet he had a great time! We can't wait for you guys to be able to come visit Henderson!